Watertown Chiropractic Blog
What Should I Be Looking For In A Chiropractor And What Should I Avoid In Watertown SD?
What should I be looking for in a chiropractor in Watertown SD and what should I avoid? This question is quite subjective but “it depends on what the patient is looking for”. I am going to cover what I think anyone (not just in Watertown, SD) across the country or world should look for when…
Hip Bursitis Pain in Watertown SD
Hip Bursitis Pain in Watertown SD I have been diagnosed with hip bursitis in Watertown SD and my doctor recommends a cortisone shot, is he/she correct in recommending this? The odds of having hip bursitis are very low. Hip bursitis causes only 10% of pain on the side of the hip. Most lateral hip pain…
Do I need an MRI of my neck or low back to figure out what’s wrong in Watertown SD?
Do I need an MRI of my neck or low back to figure out what’s wrong in Watertown SD? When you’re in severe neck or low back pain in Watertown SD (enough pain to make you go to the doctor or ER) you are desperate to know what is causing your pain. Many people want…
Do I Need 20 Visits To “Correct My Spine” In Watertown SD?
Do I Need 20 Visits to “Correct My Spine” in Watertown SD? Patient Question: My chiropractor says my back is “out of place or subluxated” and I need 20 visits to “correct my spine”. Is that true? Many patients have asked me this question for years, as they have been told by a previous chiropractor…
Is It Just Back Pain in Watertown SD?
Is It Just Back Pain in Watertown SD? If you have experienced back pain in your life you are part of an overwhelming majority in Watertown SD. Most of us will experience back pain at one time or another following heavy or awkward lifting, or after a hard workout. If the pain is coming from…
Finding a Chiropractor in Watertown SD
Finding a Chiropractor in Watertown SD If you are considering chiropractic care in Watertown SD and have browsed the web or local yellow pages to find a doctor to help you it is likely that you have discovered that there are multiple possible choices. This is where it becomes a little more difficult. The next…