Chiropractic Testimonials
"I can walk again without pain. I can mow my lawn, clean my house, and do most everything without that annoying pain. I have joy back in my life again due to not having this pain."
- Jody K.
"I have had severe back pain for the past month and a half. Dr. Dingsor helped me with my pain and he adjusted my hips. He has made me feel like a million bucks. He is also very knowledgeable. I will always come back to him if have any other problems in the future. Thanks doc."
- Misty M.
"I suffered from middle and lower back pain that affected my sleep and golf swing. After just a few visits with Dr. Bryan Dingsor I was pain free and back on the golf course again. This is the best my back has felt in years. Thank you Dr. Dingsor for giving me my golf swing back."
- Scott P.
“I had been suffering from severe sciatic nerve pain for months. I was not able to sit for more than a few minutes at a time. After having 2 epidurals and getting no relief, I sought care from Dr. Dingsor. Within 2 months I was pain free and am able to sit at work without pain."
- Diane A.
"I have had mid and lower back pain for years. I have been getting treatment from other chiropractors with little relief. After only a few treatments with Dr. Dingsor my back pain is gone. Also, I was having arm pain for years and I was told it was my neck so I went to an orthopedic surgeon and he gave me a shot with no relief. I told Dr. Dingsor about it and he was able to diagnose and fix the problem. I haven’t felt this good in many, many years. I thank Dr. Dingsor for his wonderful work he has done for me."
- Connie F.
"I was having severe arm and shoulder pain and I was limited with my arm movements. I saw Dr. Dingsor and within a week I had no pain what so ever. I am no able to use my arm better than before I injured it."
- Rebekah L.
"I suffer from severe arm, neck, and low back pain due to my job. Since having treatments with Dr. Dingsor I have been able to sleep at night without pain. Many everyday duties that I once had pain doing ar now pain free. I can enjoy walking without pain also."
- Mitzi M.
"My headaches are much improved with treatment here. I like the fact that Dr. Dingsor gives out exercises and stretches to do so I feel like I am working with him. His treatments have really helped out my lower back as well."
- Sue W.
"I have had recurring problems with neck and upper back pain. It caused significant discomfort with sleeping and severe migraines. After seeing Dr. Dingsor I no longer get headaches and I feel much better when I sleep at night. He not only adjusted my spine, but he also taught me exercises to strengthen the muscles in my problem areas. My life is no longer affected by pain."
- Jill S.
"I had had migraines since the age of 4 years, and I have been on many different types of medications for them. Nothing ever really worked but to go home and sleep in a dark room. After a couple of weeks of treatment I’ve went from having migraines 2-3 times a month to having 1 every other month. Dr. Dingsor has been excellent with his treatment and has made my life more enjoyable. Thanks again Dr. Dingsor."
- Tessa P.
"Helped my headaches go away quickly!"
- Victoria G.
"I have had headaches off and on for quite some time. Since getting treatments here and buying a water pillow to support my neck my headaches are minimal. No I don’t have frequent headaches."
- Holly E.
"I was having stress headaches in my neck and pain on one side of my neck about every day for a couple of months. Finally I decided to see Bryan and see if he could help. What a relief!!! Only two treatments and I am better. I am very thankful to Dr. Dingsor and his friendly staff."
- Debra M.
"I was playing a basketball game and I sprained my ankle. I went to the doctor and she said that all you can do is let it heal. Well a few games later I ended up spraining my back, so I came in to see Dr. Dingsor and I told him about my ankle. He took a look at it and worked on it just two times. In just two visits my ankle felt 10 times better. He showed me exercises on how to make your ankle stronger. No my ankle feels like I never hurt it. It’s amazing that the other doctor said it would heal after two weeks but the pain never went away, but after two visits with Dr. Dingsor the pain is gone!"
- Joe S.
"I had hurt my ankle a few years back and Dr. Bryan was able to get it back to feeling 100% better in three treatments. He also has helped with me my shoulder problem. I can now walk up steps much better than before and do not feel any pain."
- Clara W.
"This foot pain started out months ago and was very painful. My daughter explained to me how Dr. Dingsor has helped many people with a similar problem such as mine. Dr. Dingsor was a great help to me."
- Pauline K.
"I had a serious knee injury that required surgery. I check with a couple of medical doctors after the surgery because the knee was not getting any better. They suggested putting in a new knee (knee replacement). I then went to see Dr. Dingsor and he was able to help relieve the almost all of my pain in the knee. This has been great since I have had this knee pain for over two years!"
- Leonard W.
"I had sustained a serious shoulder injury at work and was unable to use my shoulder. I could not lift my arm over my head. Dr. Dingsor was able to help me with my problem within a couple of treatments. I would recommend Dr. Dingsor to anybody who has a problem with their shoulder."
- Mark F.
"I had been to a couple of other chiropractors and go some relief but it didn’t last. Dr. Dingsor took the time to visit with me to get to know, not only my back problems, but me as well. I have had a chronic problem with my hip/low back. When it (my back) gives out my whole lower back tightens up (painful and annoying!!). I like the way Dr. Dingsor fixes the problem and goes a step further and teaches me the exercises to ensure that I stay stable."
- Leanne J.
"I appreciate your manner and attitude and suggestions for doing some exercises after studying my situation. Your help was grateful since there really wasn’t much you could do for my condition."
- Maxine O.
"My job as a medical assistant consists of 8 hours of sitting, typing, and answering the phone. The above tasks are very hard on my shoulders and back. Dr. Dingsor is very knowledgeable as I have many areas in my body that were very tight and over stressed. When I came to see Dr. Dingsor I could not sit without extreme pain. He has helped me significantly in many ways. He has taught me how to rebuild the weak areas of my body."
- L.H.
"I came in to see Dr. Dingsor due to a severe bout with tennis elbow. The pain was almost unbearable, but now it is tolerable and continues to improvement with each treatment. The treatments he has given and the exercises have helped me recover greatly."
- Natalie L.
"I had a severe bout with back pain recently. Within a couple of weeks of seeing Dr. Dingsor the pain is gone! I would recommend anyone to come to Dr. Dingsor. Thank you."
- Thad J.
"I appreciate that you would discuss the situation with my problem and then would take the time to treat it. If the treatment didn’t help you would try something different. I appreciate what he did because I can now go back to what I was doing before without pain."
- Alaine B.
"I had severe neck pain for three months and had consulted with a doctor and a physical therapist without relief. After four treatments with Dr. Dingsor I am pain free and back to full use of my neck."
- Joe L.
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
Watertown Chiropractic
2320 9th Ave SE
Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: (605) 882-2304
Fax: (605) 882-0626